[BBC] Business Personality of the Year 2009 !

benjdami at bioxpr.be benjdami at bioxpr.be
Thu Apr 9 17:35:00 CEST 2009

Good day,

Here is an unusual request on this mailing-list.

My name in Benjamin Damien, manager of BioXpr (bioinformatics service
company in Belgium) and one of the 10 finalists of the "business
personality of the year" contest.

This final step is the results of several rounds of selection and trials.

For the last trial, I need to gather as much votes as possible on the
website :

This kind of prize is usually given to more "casual" businesses
(marketing, sales, fashion,...) and it would be great to see biotech (and
bioinformatics) win that kind of contest for once.

Moreover, the "winner" will be able to communicate in the media regularly
in the next 12 months (tv and newspapers), and I plan to use this platform
to promote entrepreneurship and the scientific/technical careers (biotech
first of all, of course).

So I need your help to win this trial (I'm in second position, and the
votes are closing on sunday 12/04), and to vote on http://www.bpy2009.be

Thanks for your help in advance, and best regards,


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