[BBC] NBIC PhD-Course: Managing life science information

Celia van Gelder C.vanGelder at cmbi.ru.nl
Fri Apr 17 08:47:46 CEST 2009

*NBIC PhD-Course: Managing life science information*

Date: 25-29 May 2009
Location: Science Park, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Course Coordinator: Marco Roos, UvA.

This course introduces modern techniques for the management of life 
science data and knowledge for bioinformatics applications.
Students will gain insight into Semantic Web languages and tools, XML 
and XQuery, data integration, data warehouses, federated databases, 
(Taverna) workflows, and Web2.0. 
More information about the course can be found on the NBIC-website: 
http://www.nbic.nl/biowise/school/EduProg/InfoMan09/ .

Please note: the course is free for PhD students working in a BioRange 
Others can participate as well when paying a course fee (see course 
information on website).

This course is part of the Education Programme of the NBIC PhD School. 
The PhD School is an initiative of NBIC together with a number of 
universities to organize high level education and training for 
PhD-students in bioinformatics. More information about the latest 
developments of the NBIC PhD School  can also be found on the NBIC 
website: http://www.nbic.nl/biowise/school/ .

Best regards,

Celia van Gelder
Projectleader Education NBIC

Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder
Coordinator Education CMBI
Projectleader Education NBIC
tel. +31-(0)24-3666120
e-mail: C.vanGelder at cmbi.ru.nl, celia.van.gelder at nbic.nl
websites: www.cmbi.ru.nl, www.nbic.nl

NBIC Office
Phone:  +31 (0)24 36 19500
E-mail:  office at nbic.nl
Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre
260 NBIC
P.O. Box 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
Fax: +31 (0)24 36 19395

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