[BBC] FW: Program sympoisum and workshop MRS and Systembiology

Jeneson, JAL (med) j.a.l.jeneson at umcg.nl
Mon Sep 12 14:56:13 CEST 2016

Dear colleges,

We have finalized the program for the symposium and workshop about combining Systems biology and in vivo Magnetic Resonance, that will hopefully result in new ideas and collaborations!

Please find the program below and attached a poster for advertisement. We kindly ask you to distribute the poster in your institutes and notify your co-workers about this event.
Thank you in advance!

Workshop "in vivo Magnetic Resonance and Systems Medicine,
UMC Utrecht, October 3rd  2016

10:00 - 10:05                Welcome and opening - Dennis Klomp

Morning lectures:
10:05 - 10:30                "Complex Human Disease and Systems Medicine"
                                          Hanneke van Laarhoven, MD/PhD, Professor of Medical Oncology, AMC
10:30 - 11:15                "Systems Medicine - what is it? what does it bring to medical research and care?"
                                          Barbara Bakker, PhD, Professor of Systems Medicine, Dept of Pediatrics, UMCG
11:15 - 12:00                "Systems Medicine and in vivo MRS - Examples from Cardiovascular Medicine"
                                          Dan Beard, PhD, Carl J. Wiggers Collegiate Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology
                                              Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
12:00 - 12:25                "Systems Medicine and in vivo MRS: practice - in vivo MRS"
                                         Ot Bakermans, Ir PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Radiology, AMC

12:30 - 13.30                Lunch

13:30 - 15:00                Afternoon break-out sessions:
                              Oncology | Cardiovascular |  Musculoskeletal |  Liver

15:00 - 15:15                Coffee and tea

15:15 - 15:45                Wrap up of break-out sessions

15:45                              Drinks

Registration to the workshop is free. Just send an email to: mrsandsystembiology at gmail.com<mailto:mrsandsystembiology at gmail.com>
before Monday September 19th. Please indicate your preferred afternoon breakout session.

The organizers.
- Jannie Wijnen, Jeanine Prompers and Jeroen Jeneson

Jannie Wijnen, PhD

[Beschrijving: cid:EEA90C32-0871-49FB-AB50-67779C278527 at ds.umcutrecht.nl]

Assistant Professor| Radiology
University Medical Centre Utrecht |
Room number Q 02 4311 | Internal Post E 01.132|
Postbus 85500| 3508 GA UTRECHT
T +31 (0)88 75 51353 | F +31 (0)30-2581098 | www.umcutrecht.nl<http://www.umcutrecht.nl/>


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