[BBC] ELIXIR-EXCELERATE HPC Train-the-Researcher Course - 6-7 April 2017, Malaga, Spain

Celia van Gelder celia.van.gelder at dtls.nl
Wed Mar 8 08:43:41 CET 2017

Dear all,


ELIXIR-Spain  is organizing a  HPC Train-the-researcher Course,  intended for bioinformatics users and developers that aim at using HPC resources to extend their activity beyond the limitations of sequential applications on commodity hardware (Note that this course will not suit participants that are looking for entry-level concepts in HPC).

The course is organised as a two-day mini-symposium, and aims at introducing the participants in the complexities of parallel programming with emphasis on genome-scale comparison algorithms.

·         The theoretical aspects of this course cover (a) the parallel programing background, with a quick overview in the architectures and programming models; and (b) the basis for genome-scale sequence comparison algorithms.

·         The practical aspects are organised to master the concepts of data distribution and balancing using a Map-Reduce strategy and internal coding with MPI.



The information about the course is here: https://chirimoyo.ac.uma.es/bitlab/portfolio/hpc-excelerate/ . ELIXIR Spain will be able to host a few people from each of the ELIXIR countries, there will not be a fee for the actual participation.


Please spread this information in your organization as you see fit,

Thank you!





Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder

Programme Manager Learning DTL/ELIXIR-NL Training
Education Manager BioSB

tel. +31613375327

e-mail: celia.van.gelder at dtls.nl

websites:   <http://www.dtls.nl/> www.dtls.nl,  <http://www.biosb.nl/> www.biosb.nl

skype: celia.van.gelder


Postal address:

PO Box 19245
3501 DE Utrecht



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