[BBC] PhD position "Analysis of genomic and epigenomic patterns in developmental disorders" (IB2, ULB, Brussels)

Matthieu Defrance matthieu.dc.defrance at ulb.ac.be
Wed Mar 8 12:00:50 CET 2017

Ph.D position "Analysis of genomic and epigenomic patterns in developmental disorders" (IB2, ULB, Brussels)

A PhD position on the "Analysis of genomic and epigenomic patterns in developmental disorders" is available at the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (IB2, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium). The research goal is to contribute to the development of new bioinformatic methodologies in order to analyze both genetic and epigenetic alterations (e.g. genetic mutations, DNA methylation alterations) that are involved in developmental pathologies. Both fundamental and clinical aspects of alterations will be addressed by mixing high-throughput data generated locally with already available external data. The position will be funded for 4 years. Screening of applications begins immediately and will continue until an outstanding candidate has been selected. The deadline for the application is set to the 30th of April 2017. PhD is expected to start in October 2017.

The candidate should hold a master degree in bioinformatics, engineering, statistics, or in computer sciences and demonstrate proficiency in algorithmics, statistics or machine learning and in software development (R, python). Experience with sequencing data, genome-wide data sets (e.g. ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq) or massive datasets analysis would be a plus. The applicant should demonstrate interest for biology and interdisciplinary research.

Applications should include a detailed CV, a motivation letter, and names of two referees and should be sent to Dr. Matthieu Defrance (matthieu.dc.defrance at ulb.ac.be) and Dr. Guillaume Smits (guillaume.smits at huderf.be).

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