[BBC] BioSB Course Quantitative and Predictive Modelling, 26-30 June 2017 in Wageningen
Celia van Gelder
celia.van.gelder at dtls.nl
Tue May 30 15:29:15 CEST 2017
BioSB Course Quantitative and Predictive Modelling
Date: 26-30 June, 2017
Location: Wageningen
Course Coordinators: Natal van Riel (TUE) & Jaap Molenaar (WUR)
Website: http://biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio-2/course-quantitative-and-predictive-modelling/
Registration: http://biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio-2/course-quantitative-and-predictive-modelling/enrollment-quantitative-and-predictive-modelling-course/
Please note that this course is free of charge for PhDs who are or become a <http://biosb.nl/about/members/biosb-membership-information/> member of the BioSB research school.
On June 26-30 2017, BioSB organises the second edition of the course Quantitative and Predictive Modelling (QPM). In this course the participants learn how to describe the dynamic behaviour of biological systems and to integrate experimental data. Concepts of modelling in terms of differential equations are introduced via a great variety of case studies taken from diverse practices. The course offers a math refresher to help those participants who are not (yet) involved in modelling on a daily basis. The emphasis is on providing an introduction into modelling approaches rather than an in-depth treatment of a few techniques and aims as such at a broad audience. The course is a mixture of theory sessions and computer practicals. During the practicals most of the time Matlab will be used. Participants not acquainted with Matlab will get an introduction. The course has to be completed with assignments in the form of practical exercises as homework afterwards.
Target audience and learning objectives
This course is primarily targeted at academic researchers such as PhD students and Postdocs in Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Systems Biology or Biomedical Engineering. Participants from the private sector are also welcome. Participants are expected to have some experience in modelling with differential equations.
The students will be provided with a theoretical basis, a variety of methods and a computational hands-on experience to handle differential equation modelling, parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis. In the course the students will learn:
· How to set-up a dynamic model to represent biological networks using different interaction mechanisms
· To implement, simulate and analyse dynamic network models in different software tools
· To understand the common ground and the differences for applications in metabolic, regulatory, signalling, population and multi-scale biological processes
· To integrate experimental data in modelling, estimate model parameters and assess the accuracy of parameter estimates and model predictions
This course is part of the <http://biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio-2/> Education Programme of BioSB, the Netherlands Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Research School, which offers training and education for in bioinformatics and systems biology.
More information about BioSB can be found at www.biosb.nl <http://www.biosb.nl/> .
Beste regards,
Femke Francissen
Femke Francissen
Community manager BioSB
BioSB Research School
Visiting address: Geert Grooteplein 28, route 260, 6525 GA Nijmegen
Postal address: P.O. box 9101, route 260, 6500 HB Nijmegen
E-mail: <mailto:femke.francissen at biosb.nl> femke.francissen at biosb.nl
Mobile: +31 6 17 90 4888
Skype: femke.francissen
Website: www.biosb.nl <http://www.biosb.nl/>
LinkedIn <http://nl.linkedin.com/in/femkefrancissen> link
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