[BBC] Vacancy DevOps Engineer / Systems Administrator in Maastricht

Coonen Maarten (FACBURFHML) m.coonen at maastrichtuniversity.nl
Thu Jun 29 16:37:48 CEST 2017

Dear BBC-list,

The Maastricht UMC+ DataHub team is looking for a talented DevOps engineer / systems administrator.

DataHub develops and manages an institutional repository for research data and enables researchers to store and retrieve scientific data in a sustainable way.

You will work in close collaboration with central IT-services and our own DataHub development team. Besides (Linux) system and software administration, the position will also challenge you in configuration and automated deployment of both proven and experimental technologies. Additionally, you will build and manage our continuous testing framework and you'll get familiar with data management standards and interoperability.

More information about the position and department can be found here in English<https://datahub.mumc.maastrichtuniversity.nl/devops-engineer-systems-administrator> and hier in het Nederlands<https://www.werkenbijmumc.nl/vacature/10605-02s0000wnp>.
Deadline is 28 July 2017

Feel free to distribute this e-mail amongst your network.

Best regards,
Maarten Coonen
Data Architect
DataHub Maastricht

E m.coonen at maastrichtuniversity.nl<mailto:m.coonen at maastrichtuniversity.nl> | maarten.coonen at mumc.nl<mailto:maarten.coonen at mumc.nl>
I https://datahub.mumc.maastrichtuniversity.nl<https://datahub.mumc.maastrichtuniversity.nl/>

English https://datahub.mumc.maastrichtuniversity.nl/devops-engineer-systems-administrator
Nederlands https://www.werkenbijmumc.nl/vacature/10605-02s0000wnp
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