[BBC] FW: Course offering - 2 and 3 July 2015 Disease causing mutation filtering and human connectome

Alexander Botzki | VIB | Alexander.Botzki at vib.be
Wed Jun 24 11:03:14 CEST 2015

Dear all,

 On behalf of Adrian Liston, VIB KU Leuven:
We kindly invite you to the seminar of Yuval Itan on July 1 at 11am (KUL, O&N4 auditorium):

Finding a needle in a haystack: new approaches to identify disease-causing mutations in patients’ high-throughput sequencing data

This seminar provides an insight into a new state-of-the-art gene-level metrics, tackling a crucial question in medicine genomics: how to identify the relevance of a mutated gene to a disease? We identified for the first time the biological distance between all human genes, as well as the accumulated mutational damage and mutation significance cutoff for each human gene. These gene-level approaches were shown to be particularly powerful for the identification of novel disease-causing genes in patients’ high-throughput data.

The seminar is followed on July 2nd and 3rd by a practical tutorial on PC.

Training 1: Disease causing mutations: filtering out disease-causing mutations

Training 2: The human connectome: picking candidate genes for disease from all-exome analysis

Trainer: Yuval Itan, Rockefeller University

Date : Training 1: 2th July, 9am, ends 1pm

Training 2: 3th July, 9am, ends 1pm

Place : PC-LOKAAL ANATOMIE 2, ON2, 02.215 (KU Leuven)

Host : Adrian.Liston at vib.be<mailto:Adrian.Liston at vib.be>

Registration is free of charge, but places are limited, so register fast!

Best regards

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